Monday 22 June 2015

Adverse Effects of Cortisone (Corticosteroids/Topical Steroids)

Hi friends

Just sharing a link to a simple but useful website that I stumbled upon. Its filled with tons of informative info about all you need to know regarding topical steroid addiction (TSA). Including adrenal suppression, repeated infections & sleep problems.

Quite a good, wee read if I don't say so myself.

Hope all is well at your end.


Link to website:

Sunday 14 June 2015


No, no sadly I'm not healed yet...

Close, yes but not quite there I'm afraid. Although I'm fully confident I may have found the information and guidance needed that will super boost my healing capabilities. Stumbled across a blog from a fellow TSW sufferer earlier today. EUREKA!. After reading her story and viewing her images (brave, brave person by the way might I add). I've came to the conclusion that I might be suffering from a leaky gut which is prolonging my symptoms and healing time... maybe, just maybe.

Now my symptoms are nowhere near the severity as this brave lady. Hold on a minute, lets stop calling her "her" & "lady", her name is Ahfaye and she is from New Zealand. 

You can find her blog here:

The reason behind my confident self-diagnosis is her, "Ahfaye" :) hand image is very similar to my own right now. Also, recently everytime I eat wheat or sugar I break out in a flare not long after eating said culprits. Wheat and sugar are two of the many intolerance's one can have if a leaky gut is present. I've been on the old world wide web doing some research & gathering up information to give this leaky gut cleanse a shot. Now I know my symptoms could still all be related to the steroids. But I think that I'm nearing the end of my withdrawal with the leaky gut being the last remaining underlining issue that I MAY have.

Thinking to myself I've got nothing to loose. Why not give this a blast?. I'm nearly 15 & a half months into this beast now. Over the last couple of weeks I've seen HUGE improvements with my health. Most notably being my sleep. I can wake up and spring out of bed like a six year old on Christmas morning, I kid you not. Skin is slowly but surely improving too. The bodies oils are returning at a snails pace. Got a few troublesome spots hear and there like my face, back of neck, and hands. My back and ass are as soft as the day I was born. Legs and other body parts are dry but nowhere near as dry as say 3 or 4 month ago.

Got a two week break from work planned in the middle of July. This is when I'll start my cleanse. I'll include some of the links *below that will fill you in more on the symptoms of a leaky gut and how to heal it naturally. 

It involves getting some lovely Colonic Irrigation sessions and a liver cleanse for good measures too. First things first though. You have to eliminate some foods that might be causing your skin to break out and give your gut a chance to heal. Some of these foods are; Wheat, dairy, alcohol & sugar. Yip, yip all the good things I hear you say!, ha ha. Never fear though as its not the end of the world. Thankfully you can reintroduce all these foods containing the above ingredients. So relax. You'll still be able to go out with your buddies and get shit faced while eating pizza and chocolate, if that's what you're into or floats your boat.

Ah well. Feeling super excited and confident that this might be the answer to my prayers on my quest to normal, healthy skin...

Lets wait and see. Onwards & upwards we go. Hope your doing well out there;)


*Links to information about leaky gut & liver flush and how to heal them from the inside out:

Friday 5 June 2015

Pre TSW - Found some old photos

Pre TSW - Found some old photos...

So I was deleting some files while cleaning up my hard drive when I stumbled across some old photos of myself from mid 2013 whilst I was still using corticosteroids.

The images show typical red skin syndrome, one of the many adverse effects from using the evil poison that is topical steroids. As you can see from the images below my skin was super red and inflamed while the others show my skin during a dry, flaky phase - all from the same month might I add.

Interestingly and thankfully I no longer suffer from that level of inflammation & redness. Well, only on my face these days. Also, that level of dryness has never returned throughout the latter stages of my withdrawal.

Just passed my 15 month into withdrawal dear reader. I will be me again, one day that is. Until then the fight goes on!.

Cheers & best wishes friends! :)



Just thought I's share this wonderfully created video regarding TSW. The lady Briana, gives a humorous but powerful insight into what to expect while going through withdrawal. I encourage you to share the video with friends & family as it really does describe all the symptoms and negative impacts that TSW can have on ones quality of life.