Sunday, 4 May 2014

61 days in... the dryness has me

Two months and one day have now passed since steroids last touched my skin...

The dryness is spreading...

My face remains the worst area affected. My body is slowly getting more dryer as each new day begins. My morning routine consists of an epsom salt bath. For now, I only put some shea butter on my face and neck otherwise, I wouldn't be able to move/function, you know what I mean don't you?.

I've been refraining to moisturize the rest of my body (apart from my face) for the last few days hence the dryness. Wanting the body to remember how to moisturize by its self... the way its suppose too, right?. We shall see how it goes. For now the mood is low, not going to lie to you. However, I solider on.

Below are images from DAY 59,60 & 61.

DAY 59 - Friday after coming home from work

DAY 60 - woke up to this in the morning

DAY 61 - Woke up to this

Rumor has it DAY 90 is a possible shining light. Fingers crossed!.

Healing hugs to you all,



  1. My worst day was 60... By FAR

  2. Hi Gary, good to see you soldiering on! I find no moisturiser was the best thing I ever did. How goes the epsom baths? Do you find they help you a lot?

  3. Like the name tswBD;)

    Epsom salt baths are the shizzzzz. Have one or two nearly every day. There great for exfoliating the dead skin off. Attempted MW but I'm too early in my fight with TSW to get the benefits.

