Thursday, 23 April 2015

Progress in pictures - March 2014 to April 2015

My progress so far from March 14' to April 15'. Nearly 14 month into my withdrawal from corticosteroids.

Please scroll down below to view the images of my progression.

I warn you now that some of my pictures are quite graphic, like horror movie graphic!. 

You've been warned...

March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
April 2015 - Today 23.04.15

Feeling much more like my pre TSW self again as in internally. Although my skin is still going through the motions. Maybe being completely healed is not that far away for me now, fingers crossed!.



Saturday, 18 April 2015

13.5 Months and a bit completed now

Red, raw but happy...

Recently I told you that I'd switched to coco-nut oil instead of good, old reliable petroleum jelly for applying to my face & neck. Well, I got a bad reaction almost instantly when I put the CO on my face so I reverted back to the PJ only applying in the mornings and if my face got a bit dry during the day. Bear in mind that I'm still continuing with the moisturizer withdrawal everywhere else.

My face and the back of my neck have been given me some serious jip of late. I think the PJ is the culprit. So from today I'm refraining from using the PJ. Someone from the Facebook support group suggested hemp oil. Luckily, I found a bottle that I purchased a couple of months back in my drawer.

So I applied the HO (no instant reaction) after my Epsom salt bath, went and sat outside in the glorious, lovely, warm sunshine that we thankfully have been getting recently here in Scotland. Came back inside the house after about an hour then went for a nap. Woke up to a big red face, ha ha but at least it wasn't dry & flaky or sore and weepy.

So for now it's hemp oil only to be applied to my face/neck. MW will continue for the rest of my body. I plan to go completely product free on my entire body once my body's natural oils return. 

In the meantime I made a short video to capture my mood at the time :)

Strength and healing thoughts to all!
